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Gra pojedyncza (single player) zabierze nas do Północnej Afryki, a stąd, przez Sycylię, pod Monte Battaglia, gdzie będziemy mieli okazję odeprzeć atak Niemców. Niektóre zadania będzie można przeprowadzać w zespole, inne samemu. Zostaną dodane także nowe bronie.

Zmiany nie ominą też trybu multiplayer. Ma pojawić się nowy rodzaj gry - Liberation Mode. Będzie on prawdopodobnie przypominał to, co znamy z RTCW (ranni będą leczeni przez sanitariusza, będzie można wzywać wsparcie z powietrza, a także rozminowywać teren, itp.).

MoH:AA Breakthrough ma zostać wydany jesienią tego roku i podobnie jak Spearhead, będzie wymagał wcześniejszego zainstalowania Allied Assault.

Oficjalna zapowiedź z EA:
EA Hits the Shores of North Africa with Medal of Honor Allied Assault Breakthrough/a

April 22, 2003 -- Strike a Blow for Liberty in Medal of Honor Allied Assault™ Breakthrough from Electronic Arts.

Created by EALA and developed by TKO Software, Inc., the new expansion pack /b for the critically acclaimed Medal of Honor Allied Assault, takes players from the sands of North Africa to the heart of Italy in the struggle to defeat the Third Reich. Medal of Honor Allied Assault Breakthrough is planned for release on the PC in fall 2003.

As U.S. Army Sergeant John Baker, players join the battle at Kasserine Pass in North Africa, race to capture Messina in Sicily, and finally repel the German army at the historic battle of Monte Battaglia in the heart of Italy. Armed with a new arsenal of weapons, players will fight alone and with squad mates as they rush to stop the Axis powers.

The multiplayer game has been enhanced with the addition of Liberation Mode. In this mode, defeated players must be rescued by surviving teammates to continue the fight. In addition, players can drive tanks, artillery spotters can call in artillery strikes, and minesweepers can defuse mines. Players can also choose from American, British, Italian, and German skins in all multiplayer modes.

As with the original Medal of Honor™ game, the producers sought counsel from numerous outside sources to ensure the game is as historically authentic as possible. EALA continues to work closely with the Congressional Medal of Honor Society to ensure Medal of Honor Allied Assault Breakthrough reflects the ideals and integrity of the prestigious Medal of Honor. In addition, Capt. Dale Dye, who served as military technical advisor on the previous titles in the Medal of Honor franchise, continues his efforts with the Medal of Honor Allied Assault Breakthrough team.

/a Working Title.
/b Requires Medal of Honor Allied Assault to play.

Aktualizacja: 05·12·2002 - 04:01

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